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Government Of Assam Environment & Forest Assam State Biodiversity Board

Functions of ASBB

  1. Advise the government on any matter concerning conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources and knowledge;
  2. Regulate by granting of approvals or otherwise requests for commercial utilization or bio-survey and bio- utilization of any biological resource by Indian Nationals;
  3. Inventorization, cataloguing of biodiversity, monitoring the rate of depletion, awareness creation in public, decision makers and planners and initiating scientific, administrative, legal and socio-economic measures for the protection of biodiversity;
  4. Co-ordinate the activities of the Biodiversity Management Committees;
  5. Give directions to Biodiversity Management Committees in writing and through appropriate oral means for effective implementation of the Act and to facilitate their meaningful participation in all measures relating to conservation, sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing;
  6. Perform such other functions as necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act or as prescribed by the State Government.