Completed Projects:
- Study the Diversity of Spiders of Upper Assam with special reference to KNP.
- Documentation of the commonly traded Rare & Endemic Wild Edible Bio-Resources from the Local Markets of Central Assam.
- Inventory and Documentation of Insect Fauna of Assam from existing entomological resources/ information. (Work Completed, under process for publication of a book).
- Study on the Fish Diversity in Brahmaputra River inside Assam to identify the threatened species, evaluate and determine their present conservation status and needs.
- Preparation of Assam Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan”
- Assam Biodiversity Portal
- Five (5) short documentaries on the themes: Subsistence value of Forests, Traditional Knowledge, Human-Animal Conflict, Trades in NTFP and Life of a Forest Guard
Completed Consultancy:
- Biodiversity Impact Assessment of DAMPA TR Mizoram for Power Grid Corporation Download
On-going Projects:
1. "Plant Diversity Assessment of Dima Hasao district in Assam"
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Lal Babu Chaudhary, Senior Principal Scientist/ Scientist-F
- Project duration: 2 Years
- Budget: Rs. 29.8 lakh
- Implementing Agency: National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow
2. "Enhancing Conservation efforts in Hoolangapar Gibbong Wildlife Sanctuary"
- Principal Investigator: Mr. Udayan Borthakur, Head of Wildlife Genetics Division, Aaranyak.
- Project duration: 1 Year
- Budget: Rs. 5 lakh
- Implementing Agency: Aaranyak, Guwahati
3. Nature Learning Centre (NLC), Assam: The MoEFCC, Delhi sanctioned a proposal of Establishment of Nature Learning Centre, Assam under the NationalMission on Himalayan Studie (NMHS) to Assam
State Biodiversity Board. The main objectives of this project are:
- To develop the ex-situ model for Biodiversity Conservation & Management
- To serve as a regional training centre for Livelihood Promotion, Biodiversity Conservation and Natural resources Management for the various stakeholders of the State.
To be implemented jointly by the Board and Assam Forest Department.
- Principal Investigator: Shri A. K. Johari, IFS, PCCF & MS- ASBB
- Duration: 3 years
- Total Project Cost: Rs. 418.16 lakh (Govt. of India sanctioned: Rs 376.34 lakh and State Contribution: Rs 41.82 lakh
4. Documentation of tradable bioresources and associated traditional knowledge from local communities of Assam for establishing Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Provisions: Project sanctioned by National Biodivesity Authority (NBA) under UNEP-GEF-MoEF-ABS Project.
- Principal Investigator: Dr. O. Sunanda Devi, Scientific Officer
- Duration: 1 year
- Sanctioned amount: Rs. 16.67 lakh
Title | Size | Detail |
Biodiversity Impact Assessment of DAMPA TR Mizoram for Power Grid Corporation | 92.72 MB |  |
A Checklist of Traditional Edible Bio-resources from Ima Markets of Imphal Valley | 787.37 KB |  |
A Checklist of avian fauna at Jeypore Reserve Forest, eastern Assam | 1.22 MB |  |
A Herpetofaunal Inventory of Barail Wildlife Sanctuary & Adjacent Regions, Assam | 404.11 KB |  |
Avian-Fauna of Gauhati University Campus, Jalukbari, Assam | 207.25 KB |  |
Golden Langur | 237.67 KB |  |
Human–Elephant Conflicts in Northeast India | 72.9 KB |  |
India’s Biodiversity Act 2002 & Its Role in conservation | 123.19 KB |  |
Indigenous Knowledge & Practices of Thengal Kachari Women | 68.9 KB |  |
Indigenous Knowledge of Silkworm Cultivation | 290.71 KB |  |
Impact of Tropical Forest Degradation on Nymphalid Butterflies | 1018.18 KB |  |
Muga Silkworm (Antheraea Assamensis Helfer) | 379.37 KB |  |
Nest-Site Characteristics of Yellow-Legged Greenpigeon | 799.22 KB |  |
Mahseer Fishes of River Barak, Jatinga, Dholeswari and Ganol | 418.09 KB |  |
Muga Silkworm | 274.01 KB |  |
Rediscovery of Two New Rare Butterflies in Assam | 1.33 MB |  |
Raditional Healing Practice & Folk Medicines used by Mishing Community of North East India | 312.49 KB |  |
Status & Conservation of Golden Langur in Chakrashila Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India | 1.02 MB |  |
The Distribution, Status & Conservation of Hoolock Gibbon | 588.55 KB |  |